Prices for motorhomes and campers to rent in Malaga and Sevilla
Here you will find information about the prices and extras of the different motorhomes available in Malaga and Sevilla in 2025. The prices depend on the season, the model and the rental duration. Discounts on long-term rentals of one month or more are available on request. The price for most extras is being calculated per rental, for some extras the price apply per day. The selection of extras can be freely combined.
Group | Model | Off-season | Low-season | Mid-season | High-season |
A1 | Panama 10+ | 85 € | 90 € | 100 € | 115 € |
B1 | Roller Team Livingstone Sport 5 | 85 € | 95 € | 105 € | 120 € |
C1 | McLouis MC4 231 | 95 € | 105 € | 115 € | 130 € |
C2 | McLouis MC4 239 | 95 € | 105 € | 115 € | 130€ |
C3 | McLouis MC4 260 | 95 € | 110 € | 120 € | 135 € |
C4 | McLouis MC4 273 | 95 € | 110 € | 120 € | 135 € |
C5 | McLouis MC4 279 | 95 € | 110 € | 120 € | 135 € |
D1 | McLouis Glamys 220 | 100 € | 115 € | 125 € | 150 € |
Off-season: 10. January – 06. April | 1. November – 20. December
Low-season: 7. April – 15. June | 1. October – 31. October | 21. December – 9. January
Mid-season: 16. June – 15. July | 1. September – 30. September
High-season: 16. July – 31. August
Minimum rental duration: 6 days
Discount: 10% reduction for a rental period of 12 or more days.
All prices are incl. 21% VAT.0
The selection of extras can be freely combined.
Bedding set (winter) for 2 persons 50 €
2x sheet, 2x duvet (135 x 200), 2x duvet cover, 2x pillow (40 x 80), 2x pillow cover
Sheet set (summer) for 2 persons 30 €
4x sheet, 2x pillow (40x80), 2x pillow cover
Camping chair 5 €
Camping table 10 €
Kitchen utensils 30 €
Bike rack 5 €
Capacity for 2 bikes (only group C and D)
Foldbike 5 € por día
Towel set 10 €
2x shower towels
Child seat - Group A 10 €
Kids weight: 9 - 18 kg
Child seat - Group B 10 €
Kids weight: 15 - 25 kg
Child seat - Group C 10 €
Kids weight: 22- 36 kg
GPS 25 €
Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) 10 € por día
Excess charge limited to 250 € instead of 750 € per claim
Pick up out of opening hours 30 €
Only after consultation with the rental company
Drop of out of opening hours 30 €
Only with consultation with the rental company
Addional driver 25 €
TV 25 €
Smart TV with additional terrestrial signal
Portable chemical toilet (15l) 25 €
Only Group A
One-waz 150 €
Handover Sevilla and drop off Malaga and vice versa
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